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FerretDB releases v1.16.0!

· 3 min read
Alexander Fashakin
FerretDB Team

FerretDB releases v.1.16.0

We are delighted to announce the release of FerretDB v1.16.0, where we update our documentation to be compatible with Docusaurus v3, enable support for DeleteAll for capped collections, and more.

For those new to FerretDB, FerretDB is an open-source document database that provides MongoDB compatibility to other database backends, including Postgres and SQLite, and more are on the way. Our goal is to provide enable more database backends to run MongoDB workloads, and this release is another step towards that goal.

Let's check out some of the latest changes in this release.

Latest changes

In this release, we have focused on improving FerretDB and setting up more integration tests, which should make it easier to support other backends in the future. Similarly, we're removing unsafe pushdowns to help improve compatibility; this will also help to enable easy support for new backends.

As part of our ongoing work to support capped collections, we've enabled support for DeleteAll. This release also includes TLS support for proxy mode which means you can now observe the communication between TSL- and authentication-enabled client and server.

We also made a few changes to our documentation and blog pages to be compatible with Docusaurus v3, and now we've succesfully upgraded to the new version.

Check out the release notes for other changes in this release.

Highlights of the year

Many people around the world are already looking forward to that holiday mood, with a new year just around the corner. But before then, we'd like to take a moment to reflect on the past year and some of our incredible milestones at FerretDB.

  • In April 2023, we released the first production-ready version of FerretDB, based on Postgres and since then, we've seen many companies go on to adopt FerretDB in their applications.

  • Besides adding a production-ready support for the SQLite backend, we've also redesigned our backend architecture to ensure better performance and, most importantly, make it easy to support more database backends - see here for more details.

  • For folks interested in running a managed FerretDB service, this is now possible with Scaleway, Civo, and Vultr.

  • Community is at the center of everything we do, and in the past few months we've been a part of some truly amazing conferences and open source gatherings: Civo Navigate 2023 in London, Postgres Ibiza 2023, Percona University, ATO 2023, are just a few of them.

  • We've also seen a sharp rise in the number of contributors to FerretDB; we were especially proud to welcome so many new contributors during the last Hacktoberfest celebrations.

It's truly been an amazing year for us at FerretDB! Of course, there's still so many highlights in 2023 that we can't fit in this post, but we plan to cover them in another blog post - so stay tuned!

None of this would be possible without the unwavering support of the open source community and the FerretDB users. Thank for believing in open source and supporting a true open-source MongoDB alternative suitable for many use cases.

If you're just discovering FerretDB, we are always happy to have new members join our community – check us out on GitHub.